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Southern California neighborhood irate over repeated pit bull attacks

A Pomona neighborhood is under siege by a woman whose dogs continue to get out and attack other dogs and people.  

After a Sept. 21 attack in a quiet residential area near Palomares Street and Roosevelt Avenue, where a couple walking their three yorkies were targeted by one of the dogs, leaving the husband with bite marks on his hand, another woman and her dog were also attacked Thursday.

“They’re not little dogs,” neighbor Yvonne Hernandez explained. “They’re vicious.”  

Home surveillance cameras captured both incidents, with the two dogs seen charging across the street Thursday and pouncing all over the woman and her dog.  

“I was inside working, and I heard scary screams coming out and I thought, ‘Well, that’s not normal,’” neighbor Borg Zambrano told KTLA’s Shelby Nelson.  

In footage of the incident, Zambrano can be seen grabbing his garden hose to try and deter the two dogs, while a woman wearing white tries to shield her dog the best she can.  

The owner of the off-leash dogs comes running over moments later and struggles to corral her animals.  

  • Pomona pit bull problems
  • Pomona pit bull problems
  • Pomona pit bull problems
  • Pomona pit bull problems
  • Pomona pit bull problems
  • Pomona pit bull problems
  • Pomona pit bull problems
  • Pomona pit bull attack
  • Pomona pit bull attack
  • Pomona pit bull attack
  • Pomona pit bull attack
  • Pomona pit bull attack
  • Pomona pit bull attack
  • Pomona pit bull problems
  • Pomona pit bull problems

Though she didn’t want to speak on camera, the woman who was walking her dog during the attack sent KTLA photos of puncture wounds her pet suffered during the ordeal.  

Neighbors who live on the street are fed up with what seems to be an ongoing problem with the woman’s dogs.  

“They crawl [out from] under the fence,” Hernandez said when asked how the dogs are escaping their yard.  

Everia Condon lives at the home where the dogs are kept but told KTLA that they are not her dogs. She explained that her son has been bringing around a woman named Myra who owns the animals.  

Condon said she has tried kicking them out but that they haven’t left.  

“I haven’t had peace since last May and I’m going on 78,” Condon said, clearly frustrated.  

By the time KTLA arrived after Thursday’s attack, Myra had left with the two dogs. Neighbors said they have tried calling the authorities and KTLA spotted an official with Inland Valley Humane Society knocking on Condon’s door.  

“You call and they don’t come,” Hernandez said. “It takes them an hour to get here and by then she’s gone.”  

Neighbors say the two dogs will be back and that it’s only a matter of time before someone gets seriously hurt or worse.  

“Someone is going to die,” Hernandez said. “Someone is going to get killed because those dogs are vicious.”  

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