website page counter I’ve been married for 4 years but my hubby gives me the ick – his breath stinks, he’s got no money & I feel like his mum – Pixie Games

I’ve been married for 4 years but my hubby gives me the ick – his breath stinks, he’s got no money & I feel like his mum

A WOMAN has revealed that she has been married for four years, but her husband gives her the ick.

The mother explained that not only does his breath smell, but he’s also now got no money and is in credit card debt.

Photo of an attractive young couple lying on their bed. Man is snoring in woman's ear, keeping her awake. Sawing logs.
A woman has revealed that her husband gives her the ick
Couple fighting at home. Man and woman are both looking angry and sad, sitting on a sofa in a luxury home. Young couple
Not only does he spend all his money on coffee and gaming, leaving her to pay the mortgage, but she is also made to feel like his mother

If that wasn’t bad enough, the woman explained that she feels like his mother and struggles that he doesn’t help around the house and can’t communicate properly.

Posting on social media, the anonymous woman revealed all on her situation, leaving many open-mouthed.

Posting on Reddit, on the r/Divorce thread, the woman titled her post ‘I have the “ick” with my husband, should I get a divorce?’.

She then asked Reddit users: “Am I being selfish/dramatic?”

The woman explained that she, 26, has been married to her husband, 27, for four years, and they have two children together, both of whom are under the age of three.

She shared that the couple are seeing a couples counsellor, but despite this, she wrote: “I just don’t love him anymore.”

The mother then revealed the eight main issues she has with her man – first of all being that he “doesn’t help around the house.”

She added: “We go through cycles where he will help when I tell him that I’m upset with him, but he doesn’t ever act like an equal partner.”

Not only this, but she also shared her husband’s “addictions”, as she added: “He’s on his phone constantly, so much so that my friends and family comment on it. 

“He also hides what’s on his phone from me. He puts it on do not disturb when he shows me anything and freaks out if I get near it. 

“When I confronted this he said it’s because I will make negative comments on the notifications from his game that he’s addicted to. 

“He is also addicted to and spends probably $200 [£150] a month on caffeine. 

“Plus his jul thing that makes his breath stink and I don’t know how much that even costs.”

In addition to his smelly breath, the woman claimed that his finances have also given her the ick.

How to tell if you’ve fallen out of love

Relationship expert Kate Taylor has revealed key signs to determine if your significant other is starting to feel more like a housemate:

  1. Lack of Quality Time Together: If you find yourselves rarely spending meaningful time together, it might be a sign.
  2. Routine Conversations: Conversations become more about logistics and less about personal connection.
  3. Separate Lives: Increasingly spending time apart or having separate social lives.
  4. Intimacy Decline: A noticeable drop in physical and emotional intimacy.
  5. Household Chores: Focusing more on dividing chores rather than enjoying each other’s company.

She revealed: “He used to make a lot of money, something like $160k [£120k] last year. We have separate bank accounts so I don’t know what he does with his money. 

“He now has absolutely no money and is in credit card debt because having really nice sports cars was more important to him. 

“Right now I’m paying for the mortgage, and everything except insurance and his brand new truck. 

“I cannot talk to him about finances because I’ll tell him that he’s bad with money but actually, according to him, I’m the one that’s bad with money. I have $100k+ [£75k] in savings.”

I’m the life of the party and I wish that he could be the life of the party with me. But instead I feel held back

Reddit user

The woman explained that her husband has ADHD, and according to him, she isn’t “respectful enough” about it.

She highlighted: “He expects me to make reminders and lists for him of things I need to have done, such as dishes, laundry etc. 

“In my opinion, that is both of our jobs and I’m not his mother, I don’t need to make chore lists for him.”

Similarly to this, she added: “’I feel like his mum. He treats me like his mum. He asks permission to do anything.” 

Usually our conversations consist of work drama or the kids. Nothing intellectual

Reddit user

On top of feeling like his mother, the woman explained that communication in their marriage is an issue.

She penned: “Every time we have a conversation about the issues it’s turned back on me. I’m “mean.” 

“Yes I can be insensitive, but only because he is so dramatic. Usually our conversations consist of work drama or the kids. Nothing intellectual.”

If that wasn’t bad enough, the woman explained: “My friends and family don’t like him because of all of the reasons above but mostly because he is so selfish. He has no idea that he even is selfish.”

The angry wife also explained that whilst she is an “adventurous person”, her husband is “not fun”. 

Clearly frustrated, she continued: “He hates going to events where there’s a lot of people, and I just want to have fun. 

“I’m the life of the party and I wish that he could be the life of the party with me. But instead I feel held back.”

I feel like his mum. He treats me like his mum. He asks permission to do anything

Reddit user

Overall, the woman highlighted: “I feel like I have to do everything. I have had to act like his mum for so long that I’m not physically attracted to him anymore. 

“It would be easier if he weren’t around. I have the “ick”, is there any coming back from that?! 

“Even if he were to change all that, I have so much resentment with what I’ve been dealing with for so long that I don’t know if I could fall in love with him or if I even want to. 

“What I really want to do is just to take a break. I’m overwhelmed and love the idea of him having kids half the time so I could get a break. Any advice is welcome, but please be kind.”


Reddit users were gobsmacked by the woman’s confession and many flocked to the comments to share their thoughts. 

One person said: “Do what you feel is right. The earlier you figure it out the better for both you and your husband.” 

Another added: “I gotta be honest this sounds like a case of two people getting married way too early and never properly maturing.” 

A third commented: “He’s got some serious marriage balance issues that need to be worked out. If he won’t work on them, then I’d say be done. But I’d give him the choice to do the work or not.” 

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