website page counter I’m a dog expert – there’s three breeds I’d never have around kids… one’s tiny & looks harmless but has a nippy mouth – Pixie Games

I’m a dog expert – there’s three breeds I’d never have around kids… one’s tiny & looks harmless but has a nippy mouth

CHOOSING the right dog breed for your lifestyle is paramount. 

Dogs are the most variable mammal on the planet with a whopping 360 globally recognised breeds, meaning there really is pooch to suit you. 

a woman is holding a baby and a puppy

Choosing the right dog breed for your lifestyle is paramount[/caption]

a dog standing in the grass with its tongue hanging out

Experts have warned parents against getting a Weimaraner[/caption]

With that in mind, it’s important not to choose a breed just because they’re “trendy” or look cute. 

Vets across the globe are increasingly urging pet owners to do thorough research on breeds before welcoming a new four-legged friend into their home

Choosing the perfect breed requires even more thought if you have small children in the house. 

That’s why the dog experts at The Spruce Pets have shared their “worst dog breeds for kids”.

At the top of their no-go list for parents is the Weimaraner. 

They explained: “They’ve been bred to hunt big game – a class of prey that, size-wise, can look pretty similar to a child under 13. 

“While this trait doesn’t mean that a Weimaraner will constantly be on the hunt when they’re at home, it does mean that they’re known to play rough with their humans. 

“Particularly if they’re not getting enough exercise and attention otherwise. 

“The Weimaraner requires a set routine and lots of time to run, walk, and play if they’re going to be on their best behaviour. 

“That can be hard to maintain if you’re a parent on the go, so you may be better off with a different dog breed.”

Their second biggest no-go breed is a lot smaller – the Chihuahua. 

These handbag dogs might be little, but they’re known for having a nippy mouth that they’re not afraid to use. 

The Spruce Pets experts said: “Because of their small size, many people assume that Chihuahuas are fit for families with small kids, but it’s quite the opposite. 

“These little guys rely on their mouths to protect them where their stature can’t, reacting with barks – and sometimes bites – when they feel the need to defend themselves. 

Most popular dog breeds in the UK

Dog experts, Tug-E-Nuff, surveyed the UK to find out their favourite dog breeds, here’s the top ten.

  1. Labrador Retriever 
  2. Border Collie 
  3. English Cocker Spaniel 
  4. Cockapoo 
  5. Golden Retriever 
  6. German Shepherd Dog  
  7. Staffordshire Bull Terrier  
  8. Springer Spaniel
  9. Jack Russell Terrier
  10. Labradoodle

“Many Chihuahuas need personal space. 

“They will give plenty of social cues if anyone outside their primary caregiver enters their zone and makes them feel uncomfortable. 

“The problem is kids aren’t great at reading signals, and a Chi may become aggressive.”

Akitas – a large breed of Japanese mountain dog – are the third least family friendly pooch, according to The Spruce Pets. 

a brown and white chihuahua with its mouth open looking at the camera

Chihuahuas may be little, but they can be nippy[/caption]

a brown and white dog standing in the ferns looking at the camera

Akitas aren’t great family dogs due to their breeding history as protective guard dogs[/caption]

The experts said: “Akitas can be incredibly sweet and loyal, but they’ve also been bred for years to be guard dogs

“The instincts born from this type of breeding can be difficult to reverse and may pose a problem with playdates and other occasions where unfamiliar kids visit your home. 

Akitas want to protect their families.

“That includes your children and they may perceive other kids coming over and roughhousing or squealing as a threat. 

“Their natural, guard-driven instincts could kick in and an injury may occur. 

“The same rule applies if you do not have young children in the home but invite them over; rambunctious kids may trigger a defensive response.”

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