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Hickory City Schools Closed Friday Due to Weather

Due to weather conditions on Friday, September 27th, including wind gusts exceeding 40 miles per hour, our buses cannot safely operate, and all buildings will be closed.

As previously communicated, students in grades K-8 will not be in school that day, as it is a mandated workday for teachers. K-8 teachers will attend their professional development sessions remotely.

Students in grades 9-12 will have a remote instructional day. Attendance is crucial, as high school students wishing to participate in athletics during the second semester must be present for at least 85% of the total instructional days.

Schools will provide further details regarding professional development for K-8 teachers, classified staff duties, and remote instruction for 9-12 students. Teachers of grades 9-12 will share online instructional information with their students tomorrow, Thursday, September 26th.

This decision prioritizes the safety of our students and staff while also maximizing instructional time during this shortened semester.

More on Hickory City Schools Closed Friday Due to Weather available on WHKY.

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