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Gowon brought glory to our community – Sarkin Wusasa

Ishaku Danlami Yusuf is the Sarkin Wusasa, a semi urban community in Zaria, Kaduna State, where General Yakubu Gowon grew up and adopted as his second home. The Sarki, who is 72, spoke with our correspondents, describing the affiliation of the former head of state with the community as a huge blessing. Excerpts:


On Gowon’s 90th birthday 

The Sarki recalled General Gowon’s early days in Wusasa. “I remember that period with fond memories. I am very happy for him. Even at 90, he has not lost his sense of memory. And he still thinks and acts straight. He still walks straight.


Early days

The Sarkin Wusasa said he could recall that even at a tender age, the former head of state loved sporting activities. “Whenever he came around from his place of assignment, he would gather us (the youth in Wusasa) and engage us in one form of sports or another. He would either make us run, play football or engage in marathon. He also bought us boots for the games and compelled everybody to participate. Although he does not visit as frequently as he used to anymore which I think is due to the insecurity situation.



He also said the General holds his faith in Christianity very deeply, which is why he initiated the programme tagged, “Nigeria Prays,” which, according to him, is waxing stronger.

Blessing to community

The Sarki said Gowon’s name alone fetched the community a lot of respect and recognition, not only in Nigeria but abroad.

He said the name of the former head of state paved way for a lot of its members to secure jobs in government-owned establishments and other agencies.

“By his grace, Wusasa has produced many national and international personalities, including the first medical doctor, R.B Dikko, the first pharmacist, first female agriculturist, first ambassador, the first female deputy governor in the state and so many other firsts”, he said. 


On Gowon’s mother 

The Sarki corrected the belief that Gowon’s mother hailed from Wusasa, and clarified that both his father and mother were from Pankshin in Plateau State. He said the family was only based in Wusasa since the 1920s and considered the community their second home; hence maintained their home and are proud of it.

He said, “I remember when a onetime governor of Plateau State built a house for the former head of state in Jos, yet he never resided there because he is more inclined to Wusasa than any other place in the country.”

The Sarkin Wusasa described Gowon’s mother as tough and a disciplinarian who never tolerated nonsense. He noted that due to her strictness as they grew up, the boys nicknamed her “Danger” because she never spared anybody who erred or misbehaved in her presence.

“But as we grew up, we came to understand the wisdom of her strictness, part of which was not to allow us go haywire or astray as young kids. We still pray for her departed soul whenever we remember her,” he noted.


On whether Gowon still visits Wusasa frequently 

The Sarki said the General no longer visit frequently due to the security situation in the country, but that he is in constant contact with members of the community.

While praying for strength, good health and longer life for the General as he celebrates 90 years of age, the traditional ruler appealed to the federal and state governments to establish an institution in the community and name it after the former head of state.


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