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From 3 different types of erections to stealth orgasms – the astonishing penis facts you don’t know

MEN can tend to spend a lot of time thinking about their penis.

Though the body part can be a subject of discussion or fixation, there may be some things about your todger that you just don’t know.

an illustration of a man with a measuring tape and a broken bone
It’s possible to get three different types of erection – two with no physical contact involved

For example, did you know that you can have more than one type of erection?

And despite what you might think, you don’t necessarily need an erection to orgasm.

Dr Danae Maragouthakis, CEO and resident medical director of Yoxly laid bare a number of interesting facts about male genitals.

Breakages, shrinkage and the ideal diet to boost your erections, here are eight astonishing penis facts you didn’t know.

1. There are 3 types of erection

An erection is an erection, right?

According to Dr Maragouthakis, not quite.

She says it’s possible to experience three different types of erections.

It all has to do with how they, ahem, arise.

The first type the sex health expert describes is the reflexogenic erection.

These are erections that occur as a result of direct stimulation of the penis.

Meanwhile, psychogenic erections occur as a result of visual stimulation or sexual fantasies.

Finally, subconscious erections can also pop up without any physical stimulation or arousing visual stimuli

This type will often occur during the dreaming phase of sleep.

2. Penises are breakable

Penises don’t have bones in them but they can break, Dr Maragouthakis says.

“The erectile tissue can be damaged, leading to conditions like penile fractures,” she explains.

“This usually occurs when there’s a sudden force applied to an erect penis.”

A video produced by specialists at the Institute of Human Anatomy recently laid bare the painful reality of penis fractures

Jonathan Bennion, who co-founded the institute, explains that actually breaks in penile fractures is the internal connective tissue called the tunica albuginea, which surrounds the erectile tissue of the penis.

When blood fills the penis during an erection, the tunica albuginea stretches and tightens to maintain its shape.

As erections place tension on the connective tissue, this is the area that breaks during a penis fracture – making a distinct cracking, popping or snapping sound.

The nightmarish injury can occur when happen during “acrobatic” sexual positions or even when playing sports, Jonathan says.

3. What you eat can give you better erections

The saying ‘you are what you eat’ also applies to sexual health, according to Dr Maragouthakis.

Erections occur when the penis hardens and grows as its tissues fill with blood, so it makes sense that consuming things that help boost blood flow may help this process along.

Foods rich in nitric oxide include dark chocolate, watermelon, beets, garlic and leafy green vegetables, Dr Maragouthakis says.

Incorporating foods high in zinc may also help with getting better erections, as the nutrient is important for health testosterone levels and sperm production.

Good sources of this are oysters, beef, chicken, beans and nuts.

As with many other aspects of your health, water will be your best friend as it’ll keep you hydrated and help maintain healthy blood flow, Dr Maragouthakis adds.

4. You can ejaculate multiple times with one erection

Once you achieve an orgasm, you’d assume that your erection will fall.

But for some people, it’s possible to ejaculate multiple times while maintaining your erection, Dr Maragouthakis says.

The sexual health specialist answered an anonymous question in a video recently posted to Yoxly’s Instagram account.

“I came three times while having one erection,” the person asked. “What’s wrong with me?”

Penis fact vs. fiction

Though penises are the subject of much contemplation, certain myths around them reign rampant – from shoe size reflecting the size of your member, to creams and oils being able to make it larger.

On top of this, it can often feel taboo or embarrassing to ask questions about your private parts.

GP and author Dr Philippa Kaye answers burning questions you might have about your nether regions.

What is the average penis size?

The average size of a penis is approximately 9cm when flaccid/soft and about 13cm when erect.

Does your shoe size reflect your penis size?


A study looking at the penises of over 100 men of varying ages looked at shoe size and penis length and found no correlation between the two.

Why is the penis shaped like a mushroom?

So, there is a ridge between the top of the shaft of the penis and the glans, which is shaped rather like a mushroom.

One theory as to why this is is known as the ‘semen displacement theory’, which suggests that the shape of this ridge essentially scoops out and removes any sperm left behind in the vagina by a previous partner, who might be a genetic rival evolution-wise.

Can you break your penis?

There are no bones in the penis, but you can still break it.

During an erection there are spongy tissues called corpus cavernosum, which fill with blood to make the penis erect. 

If there is a trauma, often a violent twisting or bending motion when the penis is erect, then part of the covering of the corpus cavernosum called the tunica albuginea can burst, leading to bleeding into the penis and a very painful swelling.

It is rare and tends to occur during sex, often when a partner is on top.

Read more on penis facts and fiction here

Dr Maragouthakis says: “This can be entirely normal for some people, especially if they have a high level of arousal or are particularly sensitive.

“Some people have a shorter refractory period, which is the recovery period after orgasm and that allows them to achieve multiple orgasms in a relatively short time.

“Your body might be capable of sustaining an erection through multiple ejaculations, which isn’t typical for everyone but it’s not abnormal.”

5. Penises have spines

Now, we’ve already covered how penises don’t have bones.

That is, human penises don’t.

Several animals, like chimpanzees, cats, bats and koalas have “pointed, keratinised structures” in their genitalia.

“They may help to induce ovulation or enhance sensation during sexual activity,” Dr Maragouthakis says.

6. Your penis is longer than it looks

Some men can become preoccupied with the size of their member, though size really isn’t a measure of attractiveness or pleasure.

But your penis may actually be longer than it looks externally.

According to Dr Maragouthakis: “Approximately 30 per cent of the tissues that make up the male erection are actually internal (i.e. extend into the body), so not all of it is visible from the outside.”

7. Your penis can shrink

For most, the appearance of their penis probably won’t change much throughout their life.

But some men can notice some shrinkage as the years go by.

Writing exclusively for The Sun, GP and author Dr Philippa Kaye said: “There are lots of causes of this, included high blood pressure and peripheral vascular disease, which may lead to decreased blood flow to the penis.

“Low testosterone levels and ageing may also affect the size of the penis, as can having a significant curve due to Peyronie’s disease. 

“Some types of treatment for prostate cancer, such as a radical prostatectomy, can affect the size of the penis.”

Superintendent pharmacist at Chemist Click, Abbas Kanani added smoking and taking certain medications can also change the look of your penis over time.

8. You need an erection to orgasm

Most of us assume that in order to climax, you need to have gotten an erection.

But according to Dr Maragouthakis, this isn’t necessarily the case.

“While an erection is often associated with sexual arousal and orgasm, it’s not a strict requirement for all individuals.

“Some people can experience orgasm without a full erection, and various factors can influence sexual response.”

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