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‘Emily’s perfect but mum Katie Price is chaotic in a good way’, Princess Andre on her blended family & abuse from trolls

HAVING grown up in front of the camera with two parents rarely out of the headlines, it’s hardly surprising that Princess Andre is entirely at ease in the spotlight.

She might be only 17, but as she settles in at the studio today for her first Fabulous cover shoot, Princess Tiaamii Crystal Esther Andre (to give her her full name) couldn’t be more relaxed.

a girl wearing a purple tulle skirt and a white shirt
Princess Andre talks to Fabulous Magazine about building an empire at 17, her big, blended family and why she’s no nepo baby
Mark Hayman
Princess is determined to become a name in her own right, with brand ambassador deals coming out of her ears
Mark Hayman

“This is the start of my career and I’m loving it,” she says.

“I want to achieve so many things and be my own person. It’s about taking my time, figuring it out as I go. I just know I want to be very successful.”

It looks like she’s well on her way.

As the daughter of Peter Andre and Katie Price and a regular on their various reality shows over the years, Princess was perhaps never destined for a life of obscurity.

But now she’s determined to become a name in her own right, with brand ambassador deals coming out of her ears – Superdrug for its Studio London range and Pretty Little Thing to name a couple – plus she recently launched her own jewellery range, and has a growing social media following of 1.5 million, where young girls lap up her down-to-earth fashion and beauty tips.

I want to set an example for my sisters – they’re amazing as they are.

Guided by the same experienced management team who look after dad Peter, 51, and budding pop star/actor brother Junior, 19, she’s choosing her collabs carefully, creating relatable content and building a personal brand to be reckoned with.

Some experts have predicted she’ll be a millionaire by the age of 20.

And it’s telling that Princess doesn’t even blink when that figure is put to her.

“That sounds amazing. My goal is definitely up there.”

Is she already on track to make that happen? She smiles. “I mean . . . Yeah, I’d say I am.”

Atta, girl.

Behind Princess’ cascade of blonde curls and doll-like features is a steely ambition and a maturity beyond her years.

The contracts she’s winning are lucrative, but she is clearly being sensible with spending her spoils, paying herself a regular salary and saving the rest.

“I treat myself, rather than buying things for the sake of it,” she says.

“I’m paid, and then I have a savings account which I transfer everything else into. I’m saving for a car for when I pass my test, and one day I want to buy my own house.”

Princess has her head screwed on, but fame is not for the faint-hearted and she has witnessed first-hand via her parents the hard knocks of a life in the public eye.

Not to mention the inevitable trolling that comes with any sort of profile.

Did Princess never crave a quieter, more anonymous life for herself?

“It’s like anything you do, you’ve got to accept that not everything’s going to be perfect,” she says with a shrug.

“I’m going into an industry I really enjoy and this is something I want to do, so I’m prepared to take the negative sides of it as well.

“When there are negative comments online, I tend to ignore them and just get on with life. When I first started getting into the industry myself it was a bit of a shock, but now I understand that the more attention you get, the more negativity you will also get, so it’s something I don’t pay much attention to.

“Funnily enough, there have been a lot of people who have been rude, so I’ve restricted them for a while, and now they’re really nice. So that’s kind of weird.”

two women standing next to each other in front of a sign that says kantar
Princess bears a striking resemblance to Katie when she was the same age and starting out nearly 30 years ago
Anthony Devlin/Getty Images
a family poses on a red carpet in front of a britain sign

Princess is being guided by the same experienced management team who look after dad Peter[/caption]

Most of the online trolling, she says, focuses on comparisons to her mum – Princess bears a striking resemblance to Katie when she was the same age and starting out nearly 30 years ago.

Katie, now 46, would go on to become the most talked-about glamour model of her generation, cementing her place in British popular culture.

But Princess intends to take a different path, especially when it comes to cosmetic surgery.

“I feel like there are a lot of comments comparing me to my mum, I guess because I’m her first daughter. They say things like: ‘Don’t have surgery, don’t change yourself,’ and I’ll let people say what they want to say, but I know in myself what I want to do and what I want to be. I feel like everyone is entitled to do what they want to their body. But I personally don’t look at [cosmetic surgery] and think: ‘Oh, yeah, I want to do that.’”

Katie has said in the past she reckons her 17 boob jobs and everything else in between has put Princess off for life.

“It’s not that it puts me off,” refutes Princess, “But I think it’s important, especially for the younger generation on social media, to embrace natural beauty.

“My sisters [Bunny and Amelia] are 10, and I want to set an example to them that they’re amazing how they are. You don’t need to change. I want my little sisters to look up to me and be happy in themselves. It’s natural for them to want to play around with make-up – that’s a girlie thing to do – but I always say they don’t need it.”

Dad was always the strict parent, and I appreciate it so much now


Having said that, she knows people of a similar age to her who are already booking in for Botox and fillers.

“I don’t change my opinion of someone if they choose to have surgery. Yes, I do know people who want to do that, but it’s just not something I want to do.”

There have also been accusations of her piggybacking on her parents’ fame – even Katie has dubbed Princess and Junior “nepo babies”.

Again, it’s all water off a duck’s back to Princess. She admits it’s a foot in the door, but insists the rest has been up to her.

“It honestly doesn’t bother me, because I know that’s not the case. Obviously, it has helped, but if you don’t put the work in yourself, you’re not going to get anywhere.

“Their experience has helped get me to a certain point, but after that, I work for what I achieve. I’m doing that independently and people now know me as me rather than my parents’ daughter. I know if I hadn’t put in the work, then I probably wouldn’t be where I am.”

Away from the whirlwind of shoots, red-carpet events and content creation, as one of eight siblings in a big, blended family, Princess is used to a busy family life.

Pete married doctor Emily MacDonagh, 35, in 2015, and they have three children together (Amelia, 10, Theo, seven, and six-month-old Arabella), while Katie had two (Jett, 11, and Bunny, 10) with now-ex Kieran Hayler as well as Harvey, her 22-year-old son from a relationship with former footballer Dwight Yorke.

Princess and Junior live between houses, coming and going as they please.

“We’re now at the age where we can choose where we go, and that means you get a bit of a taste of different worlds. Both enjoyable, but both different.”

a woman in a sequined jumpsuit sits on the floor
Away from the whirlwind of shoots and and content creation, Princess is used to a busy family life
Mark Hayman
a woman with very long hair is sitting on a yellow ladder
Ask her what’s next and Princess says there is plenty lined up for 2025
Mark Hayman

What are the differences?

“I guess my mum’s side is more chaotic . . . In a good way. And my dad and Emily have just had a baby – although, to be fair, she’s well behaved for a baby. I love all my siblings the same. And Emily has been in my life since I was three, so it’s like she’s always been there. She’s the perfect stepmum. I couldn’t have asked for better.”

Princess is close to both of her parents and credits each of them with instilling in her a work ethic and drive. But, of Katie and Pete, who was strictest?

“Dad, totally. When you’re little, you’re like: ‘Oh, this is so annoying,’ but now that I’m older, I appreciate it so much. I can see that it was all for my own good. He’s not as strict now, but he still has boundaries.

“He was less strict with Junior, but I think it’s different when you’re the first daughter compared to the first son. He tries treating us the same, but Junior does get away with more because he’s older.

“Anyway, I’ve always been well behaved – I was quite a cheeky child, but I knew where the boundary was. I pushed it but never crossed it.”

My boyfriend’s not interested in being in the public eye.


Peter once famously said he wanted Princess to grow up to be a nun, but he’s relaxed a bit since then and she didn’t have any qualms introducing him to her boyfriend of 18 months.

“Obviously he’s protective, he’s my dad. But he also wants me to be happy. I’m 18 next year, so I’m at an age where you get into relationships and so he has to be a bit more lenient.”

Her boyfriend isn’t in the public eye and she’s keen, for now at least, to keep it that way.

“He’s not really interested in that side of my life, which I really like about him. I feel like, for now, I want to keep it private. You never know what might happen, but I do think that’s how it will stay.”

Princess’ love of beauty began at a very early age – she was always fascinated by the vast collection of products on her mum’s dressing table, which is why working with Superdrug at the moment is, she says: “All my little girl dreams come true.”

After sitting her GCSEs in 2023, she completed a beauty therapist qualification and has used her family as guinea pigs.

She says: “I waxed my mum’s eyebrows and, after much persuasion, Dad let me wax his legs! And that was something, because his legs are a lot hairier than my usual clients. I only did one strip and he was like: ‘OK, that’s great . . .’ I’m sure it hurt, but he didn’t show it. I’ve got my qualification and it’s one of the things I want to do as a business, but for now I’m focusing on my social media career.”

a woman wearing a blue sweater with cherries on it
Princess and Junior live between houses, coming and going as they please
Mark Hayman

She hints at plans in the pipeline to work with Junior – as the first jungle babies (her parents famously met and fell in love on I’m A Celebrity. . . Get Me Out Of Here! in 2004) both would relish a shot at doing the ITV show together.

“I’d love to do I’m A Celebrity! with Junior. I feel like it would be so fun, because we’re the first jungle babies. Junior looks like my dad and I look like my mum – we literally look like minis! So it would be weird but also, you could say, iconic.”

Princess has watched the clips of her parents in the jungle and, even though Peter’s been in the business for 30 years, she is also very much aware of her dad’s previous incarnation as a ’90s heart-throb.

“I don’t think he’s changed at all!” she laughs. “He’s still got his energy, he’s still always in the gym and singing all the time!”

Ask her what’s next and Princess says there is plenty lined up for 2025.

She also hopes to have her own TV show one day.

“I’m open to so many things, but I would eventually love to have my own reality show. My mum and dad have both said to just be humble and grateful for what you’ve got. I feel like we are quite a humble family. Work hard and aim high – that’s the best advice I’ve been given. I think of the highest possible goal, and that is what is going to keep me motivated.”

  • Follow Princess on Instagram @officialprincess_andre and TikTok @princessandre22.

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