website page counter Cushing City Council — October 1, 2024 – Pixie Games

Cushing City Council — October 1, 2024

Cushing City Council Minutes

October 1, 2024

Cushing City Hall – 200 Main St.

The regular meeting of the Cushing City Council was called to order at 6:30 p.m. by Mayor Jesse VanHouten.

Council members present:  Jerry Wittrock, Mary Tyler, Brennan Hoaglund, Shawn Joy

Absent: Keith Jackson

Also, present:  Earl Ellsworth, Deputy Peterson

Motion by Hoaglund, seconded by Wittrock to approve consent agenda which includes:

  • Meeting agenda
  • September 3, 2024 Minutes
  • Financial Statement & Budget Report
  • Claims as Presented
  • Building Permits – Frye

Motion passed 4/0.


City of Moville                                      Nuisance Administrator                                                 459.17

ClerkBooks                                           Support Hours                                                              500.00

Danko                                                   Fire Dept                                                                       1023.00

Elaine Droegmiller                                 Library Supplies                                                             60.77

Foundation Analytical Lab                     Water testing                                                                  235.25

IDNR                                                    Water Use permit fee                                                    115.00

Iowa Information Inc                             Publishing                                                                       108.45

ISG                                                       Water Operator                                                            550.00

Joy Auto Supply                                    City Repairs                                                                  17.64

MCI                                                      Telephone                                                                    31.32

MidAmerican                                        Electricity                                                                       951.30

New Cooperative                                  Fuel                                                                              102.57

Nicole Huisinga                                     Mileage/parade candy                                                  84.60

One Office Solutions                             Office Supplies                                                              303.89

Power Solutions                                    Generator Service                                                         23.05

REC                                                      Standpipe Electricity                                                     130.20

Sensaphone                                          Yearly Fee                                                                     299.40

Terry Clarkson Excavating                      Burial                                                                           600.00

USPS                                                    Postage                                                                        146.00

Woodbury Co. EMS                               Paramedic Assist                                                           900.00

Revenues by Fund:

General                                                                                                                                    11144.44

Library                                                                                                                                      1011.80

Road Use                                                                                                                                  2594.58

Water Fund                                                                                                                              2976.17

Sewer Fund                                                                                                                              3850.00

Solid Waste Fund                                                                                                                      1643.75

Fire Fund                                                                                                                                           .00

Total Revenue:                                                                                                                        23220.74

Sheriff’s Report. Report given.

Library Report. Report given.

Clerk Report.  Report given.

Mayor Report.  Mayor VanHouten shared that he’s still trying to get ahold of the street repair company to come back and fix a few spots they previously filled.

City Maintenance.  Council discussed repairs that were completed at 303 Milne.  Motion to purchase solar light for park made by Joy.  Seconded by Tyler.  Motion carried 4/0.

Motion by Joy to approve reports, seconded by Wittrock. Motion carried 4/0.


Old Business

  • Nuisance Updates.One case will be going to court as there was no response from resident.

General Business

  • Well #4. Ellsworth updated council on what was recommended from ISG and SCE.  Ellsworth is to get some bids on pulling the well.
  • Fire Dept Liquor License. Nothing due until January.
  • Jay Lan. Council discussed and decided no fall treatment needs to be done at cemetery and park.
  • Trick or Treat Hours. Council has set trick or treating for October 31st, 5:30-7:30 p.m.




Next regular meeting has been set for Tuesday, November 5, 2024 at 6:30 p.m.

With no further business, motion by Joy, seconded by Wittrock to adjourn at 7:38 p.m.

 ____________________________________________________Mayor Jesse VanHouten

____________________________________________________Attested by:  City Clerk Nicole Huisinga

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