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Career Politicians Flaggs and Monsour, Quit Lying

editorial, transparency

Vicksburg Daily News –

VICKSBURG, MS. – Social Media, be it Facebook, X (formerly Twitter), TikTok, Instagram, Snapchat, and others, are now firmly integrated into our culture. It’s how we keep up with birthdays and catch up with old friends. Local businesses and organizations sometimes rely exclusively on Facebook to share events, often even using their page as their official website. It’s also the place where we share our opinions about our feelings on every topic, including politics.

These platforms offer information in real-time, and they are genuinely open forums. It transcends region, religion, age, orientation, and race. The conversations are as varied as the people. Some are well-disciplined, and others have low to no filter. Just as some people are messy, some conversations are messy. Some like to play the devil’s advocate, and others want to troll others. It is a cornucopia of philosophical debates. Whatever shape those conversations take, discussions are being held, and information is shared in a public forum.

Like it or not, social media is the modern public forum. That forum is a treasure trove of genuine opinions and information. As always, there are detractors, especially those who say they don’t engage in Internet conversations. They wear that statement like a badge and that badge almost always has gray hair.

Locally, our elected officials have stated they don’t respond to social media. In their minds, by not responding, they deny the validity of the platform and, thus, the opinions expressed therein – opinion expressed by real people. These days, one who is not electronically connected and engaged is out of touch. Being out of touch should not be a badge of pride. It’s more like a red flag.

Speaking of Red Flaggs

Career Politicians Mayor Flaggs and Alderman Monsour often boast about publicly giving out their phone numbers and do well answering the phone (unless it’s us calling Monsour for an interview). Those two are also quick to discount social media in that air quote sort of way. In truth, they are tone-deaf to the sounds of a modern world—two older, out-of-touch men who live in a bubble and don’t want to learn new things.

They do it because, as Mayor Flaggs points out, of all the negativity towards them on the internet. Would their jobs be easier if they stayed blissfully unaware of public opinion? Of course. They could cherry pick which constituents they listen to, and also feign ignorance to those they choose to ignore, but social media evens the playing field. It is where the conversation is being held. These days, “I didn’t know” doesn’t cut it.

Even the term ‘social media’ is used in that dismissive tone from the out-of-touch crowd for thoughts and opinions one disagrees with. It is reminiscent of those who used to quirkily interrupt conversations about a favorite TV show by saying, “I don’t watch TV!” Have you ever met someone who said that who was an overall great person? Lol, neither have we.

Social Media is the Modern Public Forum

The modern public forum is social media. It is a way for in-touch officials to tap into the interests and concerns of the public. A great way for those who can’t or don’t attend public meetings to still have a voice. In Vicksburg, Alderman TJ Mayfield, 30, is fully engaged in the online conversation and uses it as his go-to way to reach out to a larger audience.

For the other two out-of-touch, older men who despise social media while serving as elected officials, it’s time to join the modern era. Modern public figures engage on social media unless they are hiding from something. Locally, Flaggs and Monsour prefer to talk to people one on one or in small groups. It’s easier to spread misinformation that way. On the internet, they will be held accountable.

Have you been lied to by a career politician? You may be entitled to …

A politician’s game is to make you believe they are on your team and to include you on their team. They let you in on unique, top-secret level information and include you in the fold. They count on you not to fact-check them, and certainly not in real time. If you point out they are wrong while they are schmoozing you, you’ll be kicked out of the club. It’s not about the truth or doing the right thing; it’s about the team. Career politicians Flaggs and Monsour count on you not fact-checking them.

The real question is whether Vicksburg will survive another term of high crime and historic population loss under the leadership of two career politicians whose primary skillset is avoiding accountability. Flaggs and Monsour, we encourage you to engage in the modern public forum.

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