website page counter Bridge: Sept. 26, 2024 – Pixie Games

Bridge: Sept. 26, 2024

Cy the Cynic pays attention to his wardrobe, especially since he dates at least three women each week and wants to make a good impression.

“I bought two of those new reversible jackets from an online store,” Cy told me in the club lounge. “I want to see how they turn out.”

Cy was declarer at today’s 3NT, and West led the five of spades. Cy played the jack from dummy, hoping it might win, but things turned out badly for him. East took the king and returned a spade to the ace. When West got in with the ace of clubs, he cashed the queen, ten and eight of spades. Down one.


Cy’s play at Trick One was wrong. The contract is at risk only if West has five spades, but then East will have at least one honor: With K-Q-10-5-3, West would surely lead the king.

Things will turn out fine if Cy plays the ace on the first spade. East can unblock his king, but when Cy loses a club to the ace, West can only take the queen and ten. Cy’s nine is high, and his game is safe.


You hold: S Q 10 8 5 3 H 7 5 4 D Q 10 6 C A 3. Your partner opens one heart. The next player passes. What do you say?

ANSWER: Bid two hearts. You set trumps and limit your strength. If you respond one spade and partner then bids, say, two of a minor, a return to two hearts will show only tolerance, not real support. I would bid one spade in an extreme case: with KQJ765,754,J2,32 where spades should be trumps because my hand might be useless otherwise.

South dealer

N-S vulnerable



H K J 10

D 7 4 2

C Q J 9 7 5


S Q 10 8 5 3

H 7 5 4

D Q 10 6

C A 3


S K 6

H 9 8 6 3 2

D 9 8 5

C 8 6 2


S 9 7 4 2


D A K J 3

C K 10 4

South West North East
1 NT Pass 3 NT All Pass
Opening lead — S 5

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