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The 7 lifestyle habits you can stop now for a slimmer face by next week

CHISELLED jaws and high cheekbones – we can’t have it all, can we?

But if you’re looking to at least debloat your round or puffy face, there are things you can do now that will work in just seven days.

a woman with a towel on her head is surrounded by various images including a glass of wine and a salt shaker
Slim down your face for a more youthful look with some simple hacks

Although weight is often the reason for a large face, various lifestyle habits can also influence face shape.

There are all kinds of tools that trend on TikTok for slimming the face, including ice rollers and Gua Shas.

Facial massages can also help to drain excess fluid in the face – or you could even splash out on cosmetic surgery.

But, whether you’re hoping to look your best for an upcoming event, or slim down your face long term, these are the lifestyle habits may want to quit for the best results long-term…

1. Not drinking enough water

Follow the ‘hydrate before you caffeinate rule’ when you wake up, avoiding your morning coffee until you’ve had a big glass of water. 

Sukh Padda, a holistic healer and founder of Bodi Sync, says: “Adequate hydration can reduce water retention and puffiness in your face. 

“When you’re dehydrated, your body tries to hang onto any leftover water, which may make your face look bloated.

“Aim for at least eight glasses of water a day. Hydrated skin looks plumper and healthier, which can make your face appear more toned.”

Water can also be used externally to help slim down your face – use an ice water facial.

Sukh says: “Fill a bowl with water and ice, then submerge your full face in it for 20 to 30 seconds. 

“The cold temperature helps constrict blood vessels, which can reduce swelling and puffiness, especially around the eyes. 

“The shock of cold water can also stimulate blood flow, giving your skin a natural, healthy glow and cold water can help tighten your skin, making it look firmer and more toned.”

2. Late nights

Easier said than done. But make sleep a priority and watch your health and mood transform – and your face, according to Sukh!

Sukh says: “For many, waking up with a puffy face is a result of normal overnight fluid retention — but this may be more noticeable if a person gets too little or too much sleep.

“Sleep deprivation may also cause inflammation, resulting in swelling. Inflammation is more common in people with chronic sleep deprivation.”

Dr Charlotte Norton of The Slimming Clinic says that good quality sleep is vital for weight management which can slim your face long term.

She says: “Studies have shown that a pattern of sleeping for less than six hours a night has been associated with a higher BMI. 

Omega-3 fatty acids found in foods like salmon, mackerel and sardines help to reduce inflammation in the body, including the face. 

Abbas Kananisuperintendent pharmacist at Chemist Click

“A lack of sleep negatively impacts the hormones that control appetite regulation, like leptin and ghrelin.”

This can cause us to end up eating more the next day, studies show.

The NHS recommends that on average adults need seven to nine hours a night.

To help improve the quantity and quality of your sleep, restrict your screen time in the leadup to bedtime, ensure your bedroom is dark and also address lifestyle factors which can impact sleep such as reducing caffeine and alcohol.

3. Salt off the table

If the salt shaker is your best friend at meal times, you might want to reconsider.

Too much salt can cause your body to retain water, leading to a puffy face,” says Sukh.

“Try to limit processed foods, which are often high in both refined carbs and sodium.”

Foods that contain high salt include processed meats, packet foods, crisps and ready meals. 

Abbas Kanani, superintendent pharmacist at Chemist Click, says: “Adults should have about one teaspoon of salt per day.” 

a salt shaker with salt pouring out of it on a blue surface
Eat less salt, either by taking it off the table or checking food labels[/caption]

This equates to about 6g of salt. For context, a bag of ready salted crisps contains about 0.3g or salt or more, and six slices of salami contains 0.8g of salt.

Abbas also suggests boosting your diet with omega-3.

He says: “Omega-3 fatty acids found in foods like salmon, mackerel and sardines help to reduce inflammation in the body, including the face. 

“You should aim to have 250 to 500 mg per day of combined eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) from fish or supplements to gain anti-inflammatory benefits.”

How to lose weight without surgery

There are various other ways to lose weight without going under the knife.

According to the NHS, to get the best possible start on its weight loss plan, there are the seven steps you should follow.

  1. Get active for 150 minutes a week – you can break this up into shorter sessions
  2. Aim to get your 5 A Day – 80g of fresh, canned or frozen fruit or vegetables count as 1 portion
  3. Aim to lose 1 to 2lbs, or 0.5 to 1kg, a week
  4. Read food labels – products with more green colour coding than amber and red are often a healthier option
  5. Swap sugary drinks for water – if you do not like the taste, add slices of lemon or lime for flavour
  6. Cut down on food that’s high in sugar and fat – start by swapping sugary cereal for wholegrain alternatives
  7. Share your weight loss plan with someone you trust – they can help motivate you when you have a bad day

4. Fast eating

If you’re racing through your meals, it’s time to slow things down. 

“Eating quickly and rushing meals can make you more prone to overeating,” Dr Norton.

But slowing down can help you appreciate fullness sooner and stop reaching for unhealthy snacks throughout the day. 

Dr Norton says: “Instead, try mindful eating – paying attention and being fully aware of what you’re eating and how you’re eating it can be an extremely important step in weight management. 

“Instead of focusing solely on what you eat, pay attention to how you eat.

Alcohol leads to dehydration, which causes the body to retain water, leading to puffiness, especially in the face.

Sukh Paddafounder of Bodi Sync

“Slow down, savour each bite, and listen to your body’s hunger and fullness cues. Mindful eating can help prevent overeating and promote healthier food choices.”

5. Assess your sleeping position 

Your sleep position can impact your face too. 

Sukh says: “Lying down causes fluid to rest and collect in the face, and a person’s sleeping position may also exaggerate this.

“Sleeping facedown, for example, can lead to increased puffiness.”

Instead, try to sleep on your back. Pop a pillow under your knees for extra support, and if you think you’ll roll to your side, try making a pillow barrier around your body.

6. Skip wine with dinner 

A glass of wine probably won’t do you any harm, but the more you drink, the higher your chances of having to deal with a puffy face. 

Sukh says: “Moderate-to-high alcohol intake may cause a puffy face because alcohol causes your blood vessels to widen. As a result, the blood vessels beneath the surface of your face may appear larger than normal, causing puffiness.”

He adds: “Alcohol is also a diuretic, which means it increases urine production and can lead to dehydration. Dehydration causes the body to retain water, leading to puffiness, especially in the face.”

As well as this, Sukh says that alcohol can also trigger an inflammatory response in the body, causing localised swelling and redness which is more apparent on the face.

“It’s best to avoid any alcohol before bed as the dual effect of dehydration (at night you won’t be drinking water) and lying down causes fluid to rest and collect in the face, exaggerating a puffy face in the morning.” 

7. Stop letting stress take over

A puffy, bloated face is sometimes known as ‘cortisol face’, a trending phenomenon on TikTok. 

Cortisol is the stress hormone and is needed in small doses.

However when our body is constantly flooded with this hormone, it can lead to bloating, inflammation and puffiness. 

Sukh suggests finding stress-reducing activities that work for you, whether it’s meditation, yoga, or simply taking a relaxing bath. 

Taking time out for you, even if it’s just 15 minutes, can help lower your stress.

Is stress making you fat?

DIET, genetics, being a couch potatoe – there are lots of factors that influence our weight.

But what if it were as easy as de-stressing?

Stress may be the reason you are carrying extra weight. Here, we look at how…

Extra cortisol

Stress causes an alteration in how the body works, primarily by increasing hormones like cortisol. 

Nutritionist Kim Pearson explains: “Stress leads to elevated levels of cortisol — known as the stress hormone — which contributes to the storage of fat, particularly abdominal fat that is often the hardest to get rid of.

“Stress can also lead to a decrease in fat oxidation, the process that allows fat to be burnt as energy. This means that you don’t necessarily have to be consuming more food to put weight on.

“On-going stress has been linked to a slowed metabolism, particularly in women.”

One study found that on average, stressed women burned more than 100 fewer calories per day than non-stressed participants. You can see how all these extra calories add up to weight gain over time.

Extra eating 

A 2020 survey by loydsPharmacy revealed that 59 per cent of people eat more when they are experiencing feelings of stress.

And who can blame them? Scientists from UNSW found that feeling stressed, tired or overworked makes it almost impossible to ignore cues that signal something rewarding.

Dr Poppy Watson said: “We have a set of control resources that are guiding us and helping us suppress these unwanted signals of reward.

“But when those resources are taxed, these become more and more difficult to ignore.”

Eating can provide temporary relief from stress, even when we don’t realise what we are doing. Instead, find ways to curb your stress.

Kim says: “When you open the snack cupboard or reach for seconds, take a moment to consider whether you are actually hungry . . . or eating as a distraction from the issues or activities causing you stress.”

Extra bad habits

Stress doesn’t just make us eat more, but generally pick up other bad habits. 

Dr Sanghvi, who is the clinical technology lead at LloydsPharmacy Online Doctor, said that as well as adding numbers to the scale, there are a number mental symptoms also associated with stress.

These include anxiety, irritability and depression, which can lead to unhealthy lifestyle changes like eating more junk food, drinking more booze, skipping meals and staying up late, the expert said.

“Ultimately, all of these are habits that can hinder weight loss,” he added.

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Spain’s ‘Little Mykonos’ has coastline of blue and white houses and 25C autumns

A TINY fishing town in southern Spain could be mistaken for Mykonos at first glance. 

La Isleta del Moro in Almeria, Andalucia, often dubbed ‘Little Mykonos‘ has a population of no more than 200 people. 

a beach scene with a cactus in the foreground
La Isleta del Moro is one of the biggest reasons why people visit the town[/caption]
a small town sits on the shore of a large body of water
La Isleta del Moro could be mistaken for Mykonos with its white buildings and beautiful beach and views[/caption]

But its picturesque setting, small group of white houses, and crystal clear waters makes it comparable with Mykonos. 

Mykonos is often celebrated for its iconic white-washed buildings, stunning beaches, deep blue sea backdrop, and luxury tourism. 

With the island becoming so popular over the last few years, it’s now considered one of the most expensive Greek islands to visit. 

But holidaymakers looking for a cheaper alternative, might want to consider La Isleta del Moro. 

Its beach, Playa Isleta del Moro, is one of the biggest reasons why people visit. 

It has clear water, fine black sand, three small coves, and restaurants nearby. 

One visitor to the beach wrote on Tripadvisor: “The best beaches and coves in Spain.

“Warm and transparent waters, super friendly people, good food, and accessible prices.”

Another traveller who stayed in La Isleta del Moro recommended where to walk if you want the best views of the sea and town. 

He shared on the review website: “A gentle stroll up through the village streets will bring you to this well maintained mirador.

“It is very picturesque and offers panoramic views of the village and the bay and over to the mountains behind.”

There are several restaurants that overlook the beach and serve fresh seafood, such as La Caleta and Restaurante Hospedaje Terraza La Isleta. 

For those who want to explore the wider area, La Isleta del Moro is considered an ideal location to explore Cabo de Gata Natural Park

There are regular tours to book on to. The park’s attractions include the Lighthouse of Cabo de Gata, Sirens Cliffs, and the fishing villages of San Miguel and San Jose.

You can also go kayaking and snorkelling through the coves of the Natural Park, with some tours including kayaking through the volcanoes.

La Isleta del Moro’s quiet nature adds to its charm, and it’s natural landscapes and glimpse into authentic Spanish life mean it’s often considered a hidden gem.

With the average temperature in October 25C, it could be the perfect opportunity for Brits to catch some Autumn sun.

The best way to get to La Isleta del Moro is to fly to Almeria, which is a 40 minute drive away.

Flights with EasyJet from London Gatwick to Almeria in October start from £49.99.

A visitor to the town in August last year shared a tip on Tripadvisor: “The best time is in spring and autumn to see how the landscape changes with the help of water.”

Everything you need to know about visiting Spain

  • Brits must have at least three months left on their passport from the day they plan to leave the country.
  • Tourists do not need a visa if visiting for up to 90 days in an 180-day period.
  • Make sure your passport is stamped on entry and exit.
  • Travellers may be asked to show hotel booking confirmations and that they have enough money for their stay at the border.
  • Spain is one hour ahead of the UK.
  • The country uses the euro with around €10 working out to £8.55.
  • Flights to Spain from the UK take between 2-4 hours depending on the destination.

Here’s another place in Spain that has been compared to Santorini.

Don’t want to leave the UK? We’ve found a lido which people say is “more like Greece”.

a group of fish are swimming in the water near a beach
The sea at La Isleta del Moro is crystal clear – fish can be seen swimming from the surface[/caption]
a beach with a castle in the background and people swimming in the water
The town is also an ideal location to explore Cabo de Gata Natural Park[/caption]

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JD Vance Accused Of Renting A Dog For Election Campaign? Debunking Viral Claims

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Tyson Fury ‘learned a hard lesson’ from his defeat by Oleksandr Usyk but now knows how to beat the Ukrainian, claims the Gypsy King’s co-promoter Todd DuBoef

Oleksandr Usyk defeated Tyson Fury to become the undisputed world champion in May
Oleksandr Usyk defeated Tyson Fury to become undisputed world champion in May Todd DuBoef says Gypsy King made up Ukrainian ahead of their rematch By Abdi Rashid Published: 6:43 AM EDT, September 28, 2024 | Updated: 6:43 AM EDT, September 28, 2024 Tyson Fury has learned a ‘hard lesson’ after his defeat to Oleksandr Usyk […]

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Who is Fabian Caballero’s wife Tahiana? What we know about the late Arsenal and Dundee striker’s widow

FABIAN Caballero, a talented striker who made his mark at clubs like Arsenal and Dundee, captured hearts both on and off the pitch.

Tragically, after his recent passing, many are left wondering about his life and legacy, particularly the role of his wife, Tahiana Alvarado, in his journey.

a man wearing a red and white jvc jersey
Fabian Caballero died at the age of 46[/caption]
a woman is smiling while taking a selfie in a car .
Tahiana Alvarado was married to Fabian Caballero[/caption]

Fabian Caballero, a retired Argentine footballer, was married to Tahiana Alvarado, a Paraguayan woman who is largely known through her relationship with him.

Their marriage has been a key aspect of his life, with Tahiana’s support playing a significant role during his career and personal journey.

Fabian’s football journey began in Argentina, where his talent was recognised early on.

Fabian’s time with Arsenal

On October 29, 1998, Fabian Caballero was loaned to Arsenal from Cerro Porteño for the remainder of the 1998–99 Premier League season, with the option for a permanent transfer.

Although he primarily featured for Arsenal’s reserve team, where he scored 8 goals in 16 matches, he made three appearances for the first team, including his Premier League debut against Middlesbrough and an assist in an FA Cup win over Preston North End.

However, his time with the London club was cut short by injuries that hampered his ability to make a lasting impact on the team.

Move to Dundee F.C.

Despite the setback, his career continued, and in 2000 he made a move to Dundee F.C. in Scotland.

His time in Dundee was notable, as it marked a period where he contributed significantly to the team’s success, winning the Scottish League Cup and becoming a fan favourite.

During his time in Dundee, he and Tahiana welcomed their daughter, Tahira.

a man in a red shirt is standing next to a woman and a little girl
The couple have a daughter together[/caption]

In a 2018 interview with The Scotsman, Caballero expressed his pride in his daughter’s Scottish identity: “My daughter is Scottish.

“She is Dundonian! She is 14 now.

“She was very happy in Dundee.

“When anyone asks her ‘Are you Paraguayan?’ she says: ‘No I am not, I am Scottish.’

“Maybe she will come back in the future, to university or something.”

Fabian Caballero’s career may have seen him move across continents, but his family has strong connections to both Paraguay and Scotland.

Changing his nationality

At one point, Fabian seriously considered changing his nationality to play for Paraguay, the home country of his wife.

He realised that his chances of being called up for the Argentina national team were slim due to the fierce competition and high level of talent within the Argentine squad.

This possibility of representing Paraguay seemed like a logical step, given his personal connection to the country through his wife.

Reflecting on the situation, he said: “It didn’t happen in the end – my representative did not do anything about it.”

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David and Victoria Beckham’s son hit by cheating claims as family put on united front at Paris Fashion Week show

DAVID and Victoria Beckham’s son has been hit by cheating claims, as the family put on a united front at Victoria’s Paris Fashion Week show.

Fashion designer Victoria, 50, was joined by husband David Beckham, who looked dapper in a black tailored suit and tie, and their children at her show.

a group of people posing for a picture with the word family above them
David and Victoria Beckham’s son has been hit by cheating claims, as the family put on a united front at Victoria’s Paris Fashion Week show[/caption]
a man playing a guitar with the caption " this is how we were together and he still cheated "
Bby Ivy shared a video with Cruz claiming he had cheated[/caption]
a man is playing a guitar to a woman with the caption " this is how we were together and he still cheated "
Bby Ivy was seen attending a family dinner in March of this year[/caption]
a man wearing a necklace that says philipp plein on it
Cruz Beckham was hit by cheating claims, as Norwegian singer Bby Ivy, real name Viktoria Reitan, who was linked to Victoria and David’s youngest son, shared a TikTok[/caption]

Their youngest son Cruz, 19, stepped out alongside his stunning brunette girlfriend Jackie Apostel, who dazzled in a £990 cream satin cami gown from the VB line.

But their outing comes as Cruz was hit by cheating claims, as Norwegian singer Bby Ivy, real name Viktoria Reitan, who was linked to Victoria and David’s youngest son, shared a TikTok.

They were rumoured to be dating after Bby Ivy was seen attending a family dinner in March of this year.

And now, the singer has shared a video with her 55,900 followers that features her and Cruz as he plays guitar.

In the clip, the couple share a couple of kisses as Cruz strums the guitar, as they sit on the floor.

But the caption reads: “This is how we were together and he still cheated.”

The video has garnered thousands of views, and responding to her claims one person penned: “I’m so sorry, baby.”

A second wrote: “You deserve the world and more.”

And the video has since been reshared by TikTok star Issey Moloney, who was linked to Cruz in February.

The Sun has contacted Cruz’s representatives for comment.

Cruz and his new girlfriend Jackie looked in high spirits in Paris on Friday, amid the cheating claims.

Jackie completed her elegant look with a pair of black heels and a leather clutch bag and wore her hair in an chic updo.

And Cruz strolled arm in arm with the singer-songwriter, 18.

read the latest in our showbiz hub written on a purple background

The teen, who is gearing up to finally launch his music career, wore a blue pinstripe suit, a white shirt with an oversized collar and white loafers.

The pair looked loved-up as he shielded his girlfriend from the rain with an umbrella.

Former England footballer David, 49, beamed as he posed for a photo with his 13-year-old daughter Harper, who donned a lilac satin floor-length gown – made by her fashion designer mother.

Also in the snap are Harper’s older brothers Romeo, 22, and Cruz.

a woman in a black dress stands in front of a table full of pink balloons
The video has since been reshared by TikTok star Issey Moloney, who was linked to Cruz in February[/caption]
a man holding an umbrella that says la reserve on it
Cruz with his new girlfriend Jackie Apostel[/caption]

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