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Gary Neville says ‘a lot of questions’ need to be asked of Erik ten Hag and his players after ‘disgusting’ Man United performance

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Half my face melted off as I celebrated date night with my hubby – it left me feeling like a monster

A WOMAN has revealed how her husband saved her life after half of her face melted off in a freak accident fire.

Lex Milana, 33, from San Jose, California, was due to celebrate her four-year wedding anniversary last summer when she was prescribed Valium by a doctor for anxiety and sleep.

a woman taking a selfie with a door in the background
True Life Stories
Lex Milana had been planning anniversary celebrations when her life changed forever[/caption]
a woman with a scar on her face looks at the camera
True Life Stories
After taking valium she unknowingly lit a blow torch in the bathroom and collapsed into a pile of flaming linens[/caption]
a person laying in a hospital bed with a vasectomy patch on their arm
True Life Stories
Her husband Joseph discovered her and performed CPR, but Lex was left with third degree burns[/caption]

While Lex was under the effects of valium, she unknowingly got a blow-torch from her kitchen and tried to light a marshmallow in the bathroom.

Lex’s horrified husband found her unconscious, face first, in a flames, before saving her life.

Lex was put into an induced coma and by some miracle, survived. Now, she’s speaking exclusively to Fabulous to raise awareness for burn survivors.

Lex says: “That day I nearly died, and although I was left feeling like a monster for a while, I’m starting to find my beauty again.

“To any other burn survivors out there, don’t get hung up on how unfair your situation is. 

“The sooner you accept it, the sooner you can love yourself again.”

Last year, in July 2023, Lex was a cybersecurity analyst on a 6-figure salary, working long hours.

At home, she lived with her husband, Joseph Milana, 53, a motorbike rider, who’s 20 years her senior, and their Shih Tzu dog, Andy.

Lex says: “Joseph and mine’s passion in life was riding motorbikes together. We made an incredible team.

“We’d been married for nearly four years and had our anniversary coming up.

“Rather than planning an expensive dinner, Joseph and I were saving money to renew our vows instead.

“But as it was approaching, work was getting more stressful. I loved the career I’d built for myself but the hours were gruelling.

“But my anxiety and stress from work was making me take it out on Joseph in the evenings.

“I went to the doctor and he prescribed me Valium, which I’d never had before.”

a man and woman are posing for a picture and the man is wearing a shirt that says bomber
True Life Stories
Lex says that she had spent much of her life being told how beautiful she was[/caption]
a woman with a bandage on her face is smiling
True Life Stories
She admits that after the accident she was left ‘feeling like a monster’[/caption]

That night, whilst Lex got into bed, her husband was out running errands. She gulped the tablet down, and was soon out like a light.

Lex says: “When I next opened my eyes, I was in a hospital room. My arm was in a sling, and my body was bandaged all over. I had no idea how I got there.

“Then a nurse appeared and told me I’d been in a fire. I was terrified.

“Joseph was there that night, giving me a kiss. But I couldn’t speak or hug him. It took days for me to come around.

“When I finally did, doctors told me I’d been in a coma for nearly two weeks. I couldn’t believe it.

“The last thing I remembered was going to sleep from the tablet.”

Joseph explained to Lex that he’d come home that night to the bathroom door being locked.

He kept banging on the door after Lex didn’t respond, before busting the door open.

Lex says: “Joseph saw me laying face first in bunch of linens that had caught fire.

How to treat burns and when to call 999

Burns are damage to the skin usually caused by heat.

They can be very painful and may cause:

  • Red or peeling skin
  • Blisters
  • Swelling
  • White or charred skin

The amount of pain you feel is not always related to how serious the burn is.

Even a very serious burn may be relatively painless.

Treating burns and scalds

To treat a burn, follow the first aid advice below:

  • Immediately get the person away from the heat source 
  • Remove any clothing or jewellery
  • Cool the burn with cool or lukewarm running water for 20 to 30 minutes 
  • Make sure the person keeps warm 
  • After cooling the burn, cover the burn by placing a layer of cling film over it
  • Use painkillers 
  • Raise the affected area if possible
  • If it’s an acid or chemical burn, dial 999

When to get medical attention

Depending on how serious a burn is, it may be possible to treat it at home.

For minor burns, keep the burn clean and do not burst any blisters that form.

More serious burns require professional medical attention.

You should go to a hospital A&E department for:

  • All chemical and electrical burns
  • Large or deep burns – any burn bigger than the injured person’s hand
  • Burns that cause white or charred skin – any size
  • Burns on the face, neck, hands, feet, any joints or genitals

If someone has breathed in smoke or fumes, they should also get medical attention.

“He pulled me out, and saw half of my face melted off, as well as my arms and parts of my body.  

“I had no pulse and wasn’t responding. He lifted me up, and did CPR on me until the ambulance arrived.

“He thought I was going to die and saved my life. Hearing it all I felt numb. I was in so much shock.”

Lex learned she had third degree burns to her face, scalp, left arm and neck.

She’d been put into an induced coma before having multiple skin grafts and woke two weeks later.

Lex says: “For weeks I had a tube feeding me, and was hooked to a breathing machine. When it was taken out, I barely had a voice.

“I had no memory at all. I knew I took the Valium but couldn’t remember anything after that.

“Joseph told me I’d been ‘out of it’ and I’d apparently gotten a blow-torch from the kitchen, and tried to light a marshmallow in the bathroom.

“Some clothes on the floor set fire and I face planted right into the flames. I was horrified.

“I felt so angry that a doctor had let me take such strong medication. But I was extremely thankful Joseph and Andy weren’t hurt in the fire.

“One moment, we were supposed to be celebrating our wedding anniversary. The next I was fighting for my life.”

Looking in the mirror I felt hideous and ugly. I looked like a monster

Lex Milana

Soon Lex started slowly walking around more each day, learning to use her legs again.

At first she refused to look under her face bandages or in a mirror. But a month later, she finally saw her reflection.

Lex says: “My face was melted, burnt, bloody and raw. My eyes were nearly sewn shut.

“I was bald, with my scalp was full of scabs and blood. It was like something out of a horror film.

“For the first time since I’d woken from the coma, I burst into tears.

“But I kept telling myself I was lucky to be alive every day, and that it could’ve gone a lot worse. I was determined to get better.”

In September 2023, after three months in hospital, Lex was discharged and sent back home.

But for the next six months Lex was depressed and became a recluse.

She says: “I lost my cybersecurity job and was suddenly disabled. I lost everything I’d worked so hard for.

“Not only that but looking in the mirror I felt hideous and ugly. I looked like a monster.

“I’d been told my entire life I was very beautiful, yet I’d always been so humble and never let it get to my head.

“Looking back, I realised how much more confident I should’ve been. I would’ve killed to go back to my old face again.  

“I didn’t see friends or family and the only person I let see me was Joseph. He was my rock, caring for me day and night.”

In 2024, Lex began to finally leave the house, but she struggled with strangers staring at her.

She says: “I knew I made people uncomfortable. Once, a child was with her mum in the shops and asked her ‘Mummy, what’s wrong with her face?’

“I knew she was just an innocent child, but it wasn’t nice to hear.

“In time, I got used to the stares and my acceptance of my scars slowly grew.

“Now, it has been a year since the fire, and I’ve had a several reconstructive surgeries.

“My eyes have healed tremendously and my scars are being smoothed out.

“I’ve even started wearing blonde and brunette wigs that make me feel beautiful.

“I’ve got more surgeries to go still, it’s a long journey ahead and I take it day by day, but I’m tremendously proud of myself.

“To other burns survivors, cherish the everyday moments that make you feel good and know it does always get better.

“I’ll forever be grateful for my hero husband. We’re planning to extend our family, and might start IVF in future.”

a woman holding a small dog with roman numerals on her chest
True Life Stories
Lex is learning to accept her new appearance and wants to help encourage other burn survivors to do the same[/caption]
a woman with a tattoo on her arm that says viii-vi
True Life Stories
Lex says she will forever be grateful to her ‘hero husband’[/caption]

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World’s oldest bottle of wine is found with gold and gruesome remains of first century man hidden inside

ARCHAEOLOGISTS found the world’s oldest bottle of wine was filled with the ghastly remains of a first century man and his gold.

The 2,000-year-old glass urn was found in a roman tomb in the Carmona of city in Spain‘s Andalusia region.

a stone tunnel with a red and white pole in the middle of it .
The entrance of the Roman-era tomb where the urn containing the world’s oldest wine was found
Juan Manuel Román/University of Cordoba
a glass jar filled with brown liquid and bubbles
Juan Manuel Román/University of Cordoba
The funeral urn with the 2,000-year-old reddish wine inside also had valuable artefacts like an ancient gold ring inside it[/caption]

It was initially found by experts five years ago and earlier this year they confirmed the liquid inside the container was wine.

The man’s cremated remains were found along with the vintage wine which also contained a gold ring, presumed to be his, with the image of the Roman god Janus emblazoned on it.

The urn – named Olla Ossuaria was full to the brim with around five litres of the preserved reddish liquid.

The wine urn also contained three amber jewels, a bottle of patchouli-scented perfume and some silk fabric.

A local homeowner who was doing renovation work came across the wine by chance back in 2019 and told the local archaeology board.

Chemist Ruiz Arrebola from University of Cordoba told Discover Magazine: “A key factor in the discovery was that the tomb had not been looted or altered previously.

“This means it remained sealed for nearly 2,000 years.”

Researchers said in a journal: “The liquid could not have reached the inside of the urn through flooding or leakage in the burial chamber, nor through condensation.

“This is especially likely as the inside of the urn in the adjacent niche, L-7, was under identical environmental conditions but completely dry.”

The team, at the University of Cordoba were not surprised that the old remains they uncovered were a man’s as the Romans didn’t let women drink wine.

Another urn in the tomb contained a woman’s remains without any traces of wine, confirming this theory.

It’s thought that adding artefacts like gold into tombs was a typical Roman funeral ritual done so the dead could use them in the afterlife.

Testing showed that the vintage wine dated back to the fourth century, making it the world’s oldest known wine.

Local archaeologist Juan Manuel Román said: “At first we were very surprised that liquid was preserved in one of the urns.”

His team found a total of eight different niches in the tomb and six had urns containing the remains of three men and three women.

They suspect the tomb site was a family mausoleum belonging to Carmo locals at the time, reports Decanter.

The sealed burial chamber had been untouched for 2,000 years and remained largely intact.

a picture of a vase with the letter m on it
Juan Manuel Román/University of Cordoba
The 2,000 year vase that contains the world’s oldest wine[/caption]
a glass container with a hole in the middle of it
Juan Manuel Román/University of Cordoba
Researchers were shocked to find the wine but even more shocked to find gold alongside human remains[/caption]

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Chris Brown announced that he will perform at FNB Stadium

Chris Brown wasted no time in revealing the date for his highly anticipated South African performance. The R&B superstar took to Instagram to announce the venue and date for his upcoming show in Mzansi. The Grammy-winning singer, rapper, and dancer quickly became a trending topic after sharing that he would be performing in South Africa. […]

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Pensioner, 82, dies days after vicious street attack as cops arrest teens, 15 & 16

AN 82-YEAR-OLD pensioner has died days after a vicious street attack.

A 15-year-old boy and a 16-year-old boy have been arrested after the elderly man was attacked in Slough on Wednesday.

cars are driving down a street with a sign that says no parking
The road in Slough

They have both been released on bail.

Thames Valley Police said: “We have launched a murder investigation after the death of a man who was assaulted in Slough.

“The victim, an 82-year-old man from Slough sadly died yesterday morning after he was assaulted on Stoke Road on Tuesday.

“The victim’s next of kin have been informed and are being supported by specially-trained officers.

“Our thoughts are with them at this difficult time. Formal identification is yet to take place.”

Detective Inspector Nick Hind said: “Firstly my thoughts are with the victim’s family and friends at this difficult time.

“We believe that this is an isolated incident and that there is no wider risk to the public.

“If you witnessed the incident, have information about what happened, or may have CCTV or dash-cam footage that could assist our investigation, please call 101 or make a report via the Thames Valley Police website, quoting reference 43240460762.”

“Alternatively, if you wish to remain anonymous, you can contact the independent charity Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111 or online.”

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EastEnders’ killer Reiss Colwell gets huge shock after late wife Debbie’s will reading

REISS Colwell discovers what his late wife Debbie left for him in her will – two months after he murdered her.

Reiss Colwell – played by Jonny Freeman – was left gobsmacked after the reading of his late wife Debbie’s will in tonight’s EastEnders.

a man and a woman are sitting on a couch talking
Reiss receives some shocking news at Debbie’s will reading[/caption]
a man with glasses sits on a couch next to a woman with bbc written on the bottom
He learned that Debbie changed her will one week before her stroke[/caption]

The executor of a will arrived at Reiss’ house along with Debbie’s parents Hugh (Michael Bertenshaw) and Brenda (Nichola McAuliffe).

She revealed that: “Debbie decided that her entire estate would be divided by a number of charities.”

And requested to leave full control to her mother and father as they were named the “absolute beneficiaries.”

This means any money that Debbie has goes to them, leaving Reiss stunned.

Reiss chimed in: “I don’t understand. Debbie and I agreed that we’d leave everything to each other.”

The executor of a will said: “She requested to amend her will one week prior to her stroke.”

Reiss asked: “Why would she do that?”

The bad news kept on coming for Reiss after he asked if he could keep the rocking chair he built for for Debbie in the nursery for his future child.

But Debbie had requested it would be given to a children’s hospital.

In an unexpected twist, the executor of a will revealed that Debbie did leave one thing for Reiss.

It was an antique’s doll house, and Debbie left a note saying: “I hate that dusty old thing. It gives me the creeps.”

Reiss was left stunned at Debbie’s final wishes as he commented: “This doesn’t make any sense.”

Whereas her parents weren’t surprised at all, as Brenda remarked: “Doesn’t it? If it were up to me, you would be left with nothing.”

Meanwhile, Bianca Jackson (Patsy Palmer) was listening to the will reading behind the door and was shocked by what she heard.

Most complained about soap storylines

Over the years, all three of the main soaps have featured plots that have had even die-hard fans reaching for their phones and laptops so they can get in touch with Ofcom and complain. Here are just some of the most scandalous…

  • EastEnders baby theft: 13,400 Ofcom complaints – Back in 2011, EastEnders was flooded with complaints when Ronnie Branning (RIP) swapped her baby for the dead son of Kat Moon. The storyline drew the most number of objections in the soap’s long history and saw it roundly criticised by campaigners – with 13,400 flying in over the course of the storyline. Some viewers called it “distressing” and “horrific” but Ofcom ruled the scenes were not “unduly disturbing”.
  • Emmerdale dog-napping: 550 Ofcom complaints – Back in 2016, Ross Barton and Charity Dingle came up with a plan to steal a dog and hold it ransom – but viewers didn’t like it one bit. The nation’s pet owners rose up, insisting the storyline would encourage copycats (not to mention copydogs). Complaints over two episodes totalled a staggering 550 and soap writers quickly learnt you don’t mess with animal-lovers.
  • Coronation Street double murder: 546 Ofcom complaints – Marginally less people complained about a gruesome double murder than objected to a dog-napping plot when Pat Phelan was at the centre of a spate of killings. First he forced Andy Carver to shoot dead Vinny Ashford – and then Pat killed Andy. All the bloodshed back in 2017 proved to be too much for some viewers, who lodged complaints in vast numbers about the “violent scenes”.
  • She arrived back onto Albert Square after her sister Sonia Fowler (Natalie Cassidy) was arrested for Debbie’s murder.

    She sees Reiss and the other residents are protesting for Sonia’s innocence.

    But, she is suspicious of Reiss and doesn’t understand why others aren’t questioning him or his innocence.

    As Debbie’s will proves she didn’t really love her husband Reiss, will Bianca get closer to the truth about him murdering his ex wife?

    Upcoming scenes on the BBC soap will see Bianca try and get a confession out of Reiss by getting him drunk.

    But, will she succeed?

    EastEnders airs Monday to Thursday at 7:30pm on BBC One and BBC iPlayer.

    a man and a woman sit on a couch with the bbc logo behind them
    Debbie’s parents are named the absolute beneficiaries[/caption]
    a woman with a surprised look on her face is shown on bbc
    Is Bianca getting closer to the truth?[/caption]

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    Exact age Brits spend the most on pets as bills rise to £936-a-year for essentials

    GEN Z and millennial pet owners are spending the most on their four-legged friends – splashing out £936 on all the essentials each year.

    A study of 2,000 cat and dog owners found those aged between 18 and 34 spend £78 each month on their furry companions – well above the national average of £64.

    a small dog wearing a pink outfit with the word princess on it
    45 percent of people don’t regularly vaccinate their pets[/caption]

    While older pet owners aged 45 and over are much more frugal – forking out just £52 every month, and £623 over the course of a year.

    Toys (17 per cent) are among the biggest expenses for young pet owners – compared to just eight per cent of their older counterparts.

    But overall, 47 per cent of all owners want their pets to enjoy their meals and are willing to pay for it – with two thirds of pet spend going on food.

    The research was commissioned by Pet Drugs Online to mark the launch of The Top to Tail Report.

    Dr Sarah Page-Jones, the retailers’ lead veterinary surgeon, said: “What your pet eats can have a huge impact on their health and wellbeing.

    “For example, cats are obligate carnivores, so they can’t get all the nutrients they require from plant-based foods.

    “It’s also important to consider your pet’s age, breed and activity levels to allow you to tailor their nutrition to their needs.

    “Giving your pet both wet and dry food helps to provide good levels of flavour, nutrition and hydration.”

    It also emerged that play (68 per cent), treats (67 per cent) and talking to their pets (67 per cent) are the top ways owners show affection.

    And 19 per cent take their dogs on holiday with them.

    But while owners were keen to ensure their pets’ happiness, medical treatments were lower on the list of priorities – with 48 per cent admitting they don’t regularly take their pet for check-ups at the vet.

    Four in 10 (39 per cent) aren’t frequently treating for fleas, 45 per cent won’t regularly worm their pet, and 58 per cent aren’t providing tick treatment.

    And 45 per cent don’t routinely vaccinate their four-legged friends.

    Although interest in holistic health treatments is on the rise – with 26 per cent of those polled, via OnePoll, opting for these to better support their pet’s wellbeing.

    While the same percentage (26 per cent) also give them supplements.

    Dr Sarah Page-Jones added: “Taking your pet to the vet at least once a year can provide a wealth of benefits.

    “It allows your pet to receive a general health assessment where any subtle changes may be noticed, ensures you’re up to date with the latest vaccinations, as well as discussing any additional care that may be needed.

    “Also, if you’re exploring a holistic approach to your pet’s health, it’s always worth discussing with your vet first hand.”

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    I’m proud to still run around the beach with my boobs out at 51, says Heidi Klum, I don’t care that my kids changed them

    HEIDI Klum has revealed that she will wear mini skirts until she’s 70 and isn’t afraid to run around with her boobs hanging out.

    The model, television host, producer and businesswoman confessed that she doesn’t care what people think or say about her, and is happy to show off her body, even after giving birth and breastfeeding four children.

    Heidi Klum has revealed that she is proud to show off her boobs and legs after having four children[/caption]
    a woman in a bikini is holding plates of food in front of a stone wall
    The 51-year-old model confessed that she’ll still be wearing mini skirts, even when she’s 70[/caption]
    a woman in a red dress stands in front of a nbc logo
    She claimed that she won’t listen to what negative people say[/caption]
    She conessed that she loves having fun and still has “fire” in her[/caption]

    The mother, 51, who was the first German model to become a Victoria’s Secret Angel, recently sat down with Alex Cooper on an episode of the Call Her Daddy podcast.

    Heidi, who previously confessed that life is much better without clothes, spoke to the podcast host about all things getting older and why we shouldn’t be afraid of ageing. 

    The star, who has four kids and a whopping 12 million followers on Instagram, confessed that she is proud to show off her legs in mini skirts and will continue to do so, regardless of her age.

    The model said: “I get the mini skirt question all the time – so how long are you going to wear mini skirts?

    “I’ve said many times, I probably will be walking around at 70, if I feel like it, in a mini skirt if I wanna show my legs.

    “I see all my flaws, this is it. That’s how life is. You climb, you get older, and it goes down the hill again with our looks and not being plump any more and this, that and the other.

    “But at the end of the day, I still look in the mirror and feel good about myself. I still have the passion for shopping for fun things, doing my hair, doing my make-up

    “I still have the fire in me. I still love fun things and I’m still running around the beach with my boobs hanging out and I don’t really care.

    “Do they look how they look how they looked before they had kids and they sucked the living daylights out of them? They’re different now and yes, thanks for pointing it out, it’s true they’re different. I had four kids and I breastfed them.”

    But Heidi explained that she won’t listen to negative comments people say about her and her age, as she added: “If [people] think that, so be it, I don’t care. 

    “I feel very strong with myself, even though people say things, it doesn’t really get to me.

    “I look at myself and yes, my legs do not look like your legs, in your twenties, but I still feel ok with my legs and therefore I go with it. 

    Everything we know about Heidi Klum

    Career Highlights:

    • Modelling: Rose to fame in the late 1990s, becoming the first German model to become a Victoria’s Secret Angel.
    • Television: Host and judge of “Germany’s Next Topmodel” and “Project Runway,” earning her an Emmy Award for the latter.
    • Acting: Has appeared in various films and TV shows, including “Sex and the City,” “The Devil Wears Prada,” and “Desperate Housewives.”
    • Business Ventures: Launched her own lingerie line, “Heidi Klum Intimates,” and has collaborated on various fashion and beauty products.

    Personal Life:

    • Marriages: Was married to stylist Ric Pipino (1997-2002), singer Seal (2005-2014), and musician Tom Kaulitz (2019-present).
    • Children: Four children – Leni, Henry, Johan, and Lou.
    • Nationality: Became a naturalised American citizen in 2008 but retains her German citizenship.

    “As long as I feel it, I don’t really care what people think or say to me, I really don’t.” 

    The blonde-haired beauty, who is famed for her jaw-dropping Halloween outfits, explained how her body has changed throughout the years.

    Sometimes I will be in the club and I might be the oldest person there, but I really don’t care

    Heidi Klum

    She continued: “I’ve had four kids, I’ve been pregnant and once you’ve had your baby, it’s not like your stomach is flat, you deflate a bit, everything is still a bit pudgy, and I had that four times.”

    And despite being a mum to four, Heidi shared that you’ll still find her out partying and having fun, as she beamed: “Sometimes I will be in the club and I might be the oldest person there, but I really don’t care. 

    “We all have one thing that happens, we all die. So why listen to all this negative noise? 

    “Surround yourself with people that are great, that are positive. 

    “Shake off all the nonsense and do you. We only have one life.”

    Heidi explained that she doesn’t listen to “negative noise” and surrounds herself with people that are “positive”[/caption]
    a woman in a bikini is driving a boat on a lake
    Instagram/Heidi Klum
    She shared that after having four kids, parts of her body might be “pudgy”, but she isn’t phased[/caption]

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    Is Nigeria Falling Behind in Africa’s Electric Mobility Race?

    By Chiamaka Enendu In May 2023, when Bola Tinubu assumed office as Nigeria’s President, he inherited the ambitious Energy Transition Plan (ETP), a comprehensive framework for decarbonizing the country’s energy sector, which includes transportation. The ETP was designed to address critical climate challenges and set Nigeria on the path to net-zero emissions by 2060, focusing […]

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