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My girlfriend is wonderful but I can’t stop chasing other women

DEAR DEIDRE: MY girlfriend is wonderful but I can’t stop chasing other women.

I am 29, she is 28 and we have been together for two years.

We have a terrific relationship, a great sex life and I am totally smitten with her so why do I cheat?

I have strayed countless times.

When I’m with her she’s all I want but when I see a nice-looking woman, it’s as though my girlfriend doesn’t exist.

Recently I went out with my mates from work to celebrate our boss’s 30th birthday.

He was buying all the drinks and everyone got pretty drunk.

We went from bar to bar and ended up in a club surrounded by a group of very attractive women.

One of them clearly fancied me and before I knew it, I was chatting her up.

We went outside for a bit of fresh air.

I knew what would happen and so did she.

We found a quiet spot around the back of the club and were all over each other like a rash.



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We had sex but I was too drunk to say whether it was good or not.

Afterwards I felt bad and so did she.

I am ashamed of myself.

I want to have a normal, loving, faithful relationship.

I want to marry my girlfriend but I’m scared she will find out about my antics and will get rid of me.

She deserves so much better than the way I treat her.

It plays on my mind so much that I have thought about going to church to ease my guilt.

DEIDRE SAYS: Making a confession to a priest may ease your guilt temporarily but only until you cheat again.

What matters more is to stop cheating like this.

Casual sex puts your sexual health at risk.

If you then have sex with your girlfriend, you are putting hers at risk too.

Have a serious think about why you do it.

I’m sending you my leaflet Can’t Be Faithful? to help you break the habit.

Think about when you end up straying, is it usually linked with drinking?

If so, the answer may be very simple: Stay sober.

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