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Malema: “DA Should Never Be Allowed to Govern Tshwane Again”

Julius Malema, leader of the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF), has issued a firm warning, declaring that the Democratic Alliance (DA) must not be allowed to govern Tshwane again. Speaking at a recent EFF rally, Malema sharply criticized the DA’s previous leadership of the capital city, accusing the party of poor governance, neglect of service delivery, and catering to elite interests at the expense of ordinary residents.

“The DA’s time in Tshwane was a disaster for the people,” Malema asserted. “They ran the municipality like a business, prioritizing profit over the needs of the community. Our people were left without adequate services, and water and electricity crises became the norm.”

His comments come as the Tshwane municipality continues to grapple with instability, marked by protests, allegations of mismanagement, and service delivery failures under the current coalition government. The EFF has taken a strong stance against the DA’s possible return to power, insisting that their governance record proves they are unfit to lead the city.

“The DA only serves the wealthy suburbs, neglecting the working-class townships and the poor, who make up the majority of Tshwane’s population,” Malema said. “We cannot allow them to return and deepen inequality in our communities.”

During the DA’s previous tenure, Tshwane faced numerous challenges, including corruption allegations, administrative deadlock, and protests over inadequate services. Malema argued that the city requires leadership that prioritizes the needs of all its residents, not just the affluent few.

“The time for playing politics with people’s lives is over,” Malema stressed. “Tshwane deserves a government that works for everyone, not just a select group.”

Positioning the EFF as a key player in Tshwane’s political landscape, Malema hinted that his party is prepared to take over the city’s leadership if given the chance. The EFF has previously formed coalition arrangements with other parties, including the ANC, and remains a significant force in the city’s political dynamics.

As the political crisis in Tshwane intensifies, Malema urged voters to reject the DA at the polls and back parties committed to real change. “Tshwane deserves better. The people deserve better. And the DA should never be allowed to govern this city again,” he concluded.

With coalition dynamics in Tshwane growing more fractured, the future governance of the city remains uncertain as political tensions rise.

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