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All the reasons your Universal Credit claim might FAIL as 900k cases closed last year – and how to avoid it

HUNDREDS of thousands of Universal Credit claims were closed before being paid in the last year, The Sun can reveal.

Households across the country get a boost to their income from benefits, and over five million of those are on Universal Credit.

a table showing all the reasons your universal credit claim might fail
Source: DWP data provided via an FOI to The Sun

A claim is made when an individual applies for Universal Credit.

This is the first step a person needs to take to receive the benefit.

But your claim could stumble at the first hurdle if you’re not clued up, so it pays to understand exactly what you’ll be asked.

A freedom of information (FOI) request by The Sun to the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) has found that tens of thousands of claims are being closed every month for a whole host of reasons.

This can include failing to attend an interview and having insufficient evidence to support your claim.

In total, between July 2023 and June 2024, a total of 896,000 claims were closed without a penny being paid.

Of these, 63,800 were closed because the claimant failed the habitual residence test.

The test is designed to stop someone who has a right to enter the UK from claiming social benefits immediately after their arrival.

A period of between one and three months is likely to indicate habitual residence, according to the charity Shelter.

In addition, almost 92,000 cases were closed without payment because the claimant had insufficient evidence.

This could include not having a valid UK passport, payslips dated within the last three months or your most recent P60.

These documents are important because the amount of Universal Credit you are entitled to depends on many factors surrounding your individual circumstances.

That might be how many hours you work, or how many children you have.

But failing to provide evidence of this can see your claim fail.

As many as 366,400 claims were closed because the claimant either failed to book an interview, or failed to attend it, didn’t accept their claimant commitment or book an interview for it.

At a glance: All the reasons my Universal Credit claim might fail

There are several reasons that your Universal Credit claim might fail.

We list them below:

  • Withdrew the claim
  • Failed the Habitual Residence Test
  • Had insufficient evidence
  • Found not to be eligible or entitled
  • Ineligible capital
  • Failed to book an initial interview
  • Failed to attend an initial interview
  • Claimant commitment not accepted, or did not book a claimant commitment interview

Often, people applying for Universal Credit are are required to attend interviews and appointments with the Jobcentre.

This is because the DWP may need more information or they need to verify your identity in person.

These are held face to face or can be over the phone or via video chat.

Plus, you will need to go to a meeting to agree to your claimant commitment before getting your first payment, if you’re found to be eligible.

A claimant commitment is an agreement between you and the government outlining what you will do to get Universal Credit payments.

If you’re late, or miss, this interview, you could see your payments claim closed.

If you have a good reason why you can’t attend a meeting then you should let the Jobcentre know immediately.

But if you fail to turn up to a meeting you’ll likely have your case closed and you’ll have to apply again.

Ayla Ozmen, director of policy and campaigns at charity Z2K, told The Sun that applying for Universal Credit is often a complex process, and the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) “unnecessarily complicates it further”.

He said: “It’s particularly concerning to see that the DWP is refusing so many universal credit claims on procedural grounds, such as not providing the correct documents.

“We know that people struggle to meet all of the requirements of the claims process, often because of a disability or because they have difficulty using computers.

“This can lead to people missing out on vital income.

“The DWP should take steps to streamline and simplify the claims process.”

It’s important to bear in mind though, that of the 726,0000 Universal Credit claims made during the period, 2,710,000 were successful and resulted in a payment.

So, if you think you’re eligible for Universal Credit it’s vital that you apply, but just make sure you have all the information you need to give yourself the best chance of being successful.

A spokesperson for the DWP said: “We support millions of people every year through Universal Credit, and our priority is to make sure people get the support they are entitled to.

“That includes working with customers to ensure they feel confident and informed throughout the application process, and a free Help to Claim advice service is available to assist people with making their claim.”

How can I make sure my Universal Credit claim is successful?

To apply for Universal Credit, you have to go online and create an account.

Once you’ve created an account you must make a claim within 28 days otherwise you’ll have to start the process again.

If you live with your partner, you’ll both have to create accounts and you’ll join them together when you claim.

If you’re struggling to claim online you can use the Universal Credit helpline which is 0800 328 5644.

To apply online you’ll need your bank, building society or credit union account details.

On top of this, you’ll need an email address and access to a phone.

It may sound simple, but making sure that all these details are up to date will give you a better chance of having a successful application.

You should also make sure that you have the following documents to hand and that they are in date:

  • driving licence
  • passport
  • debit or credit card
  • payslip or P60

To complete the claim, you will need to provide information about:

  • your housing, for example how much rent you pay
  • your earnings, for example payslips
  • your National Insurance number, if you have one
  • other benefits you get
  • any disability or health condition that affects your work
  • how much you pay for childcare if you want help with childcare costs
  • your savings and any investments, like shares or a property that you rent out

Everything you need to know about Universal Credit

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