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I’m a relationship expert – four signs your partner is on the brink of cheating

IT’S COMMON for people to worry about being cheated on – even those of us who are in the most secure, committed relationships.

So whether you have some sneaky suspicions or you’re just wondering what to keep an eye out for, it’s good to know what some potential red flags are.

a man and woman kissing on a park bench with a woman holding their hands behind their back
Getty – Contributor

An expert has shared four red flags that could indicate your partner is cheating on you[/caption]

a woman laying on a bed looking at her phone

And it’s bad news if they’re secretive with their phone[/caption]

Luckily, one relationship expert is on hand to help couples avoid heartbreak and shared four red flags that could mean your partner is cheating on you.

April Davis, a renowned relationship counsellor and founder of LUMA Luxury Matchmaking, says: “Infidelity is yet again on the rise.

“But there are tell-tale signs that your partner might be thinking about cheating.

“Recognising and understanding these signs is necessary for couples to proactively address concerns and work towards strengthening their relationship.”

Being defensive about privacy

Everyone is a little bit defensive when it comes to their privacy, but if they become increasingly secretive then it could be a red flag.

Acting secretively with their phone, computer, or social media activity may indicate they are harbouring thoughts of infidelity.

April says: “Whilst we’re not talking about committing a direct breach of someone’s privacy, if your partner won’t let you see anything on their phone or just hates the thought of you going through it, 9 times out of 10 it’s usually nothing.

“But visible distress and aggression towards that is a big red flag, especially if you let them go through your devices.”

Avoiding the big conversations

We’ve all been in a situation where you want to have serious conversations with someone you love about taking things to the next level.

Which means that when you’ve spent enough time together and have a feeling that you want to take things further, then you’ll want to have the big talk.

But you may be in for some trouble if your partner is avoiding these discussions or seems put off by long-term commitment.

April stressed the importance of having open communication and said: “If you feel like you’ve invested enough time and effort into a relationship, you’re more than welcome to open up a deep meaningful chat with your partner about it.

“But noticing a change in your partner’s emotions when it comes to this is a telling sign that they aren’t as ready as you are and are potentially thinking about other options.”

Sudden changes in routine

When you’ve been with someone long enough, you often know their routine like the back of your hand.

But if they suddenly have an unexpected change to that routine, it may be a cause for concern.

Trust your instincts and pay attention to any significant deviations from your partner’s normal behaviour.

If your partner suddenly alters their work schedule, starts spending more time away from home, or develops an unusual urgency to be alone, it might indicate a shift in their priorities.

New hobbies or interests that exclude you, or changes in gym or workout routines without explanation, could also be red flags.

April cautions: “While personal growth and change are natural, drastic shifts in routine that create distance in the relationship are worth discussing.

“If your partner’s new schedule or interests consistently leave you feeling left out, it’s time for an honest conversation about your concerns and expectations.”


WHILE these red flags could mean something sinister is going on – it could also be completely innocent and easily explained.

The key to a healthy relationship is being open and honest with each other, having good communication, and deeply trusting each other.

So if you think something may be going on, April has urged you not to panic – talk to your partner and try to find out the source of the problem because it could be completely harmless.

She said: “If you suspect your partner is thinking about cheating, don’t hit the panic button just yet.

“While certain behaviours may raise red flags, they’re not a smoking gun, and could indicate deeper emotional struggles to explore with your partner.

“Try to address concerns calmly and constructively. Approach issues with open-ended, ‘I’ questions like, ‘I’ve noticed more distance between us than usual – what’s going on?’

“I cannot emphasise enough how much creating a safe space for dialogue is key to getting to the heart of the issue.

“If your partner’s working late, sitting at home in the dark waiting for your partner whilst you’re halfway through a bottle of liquor is a big no-no.

“If they won’t let you check their phone for whatever reason, just let it go.

“And if you and your partner are dealing with these concerns, communication, trust, and even professional counselling can help navigate the rough waters.

“It’s all about working through those uncomfortable moments before they turn into bigger problems.”

The spark is dwindling

When couples first get together, it’s natural for them to be giddy and excited all the time as they fall in love.

And while this initial excitement sometimes dims over time, it’s important that the spark is always there.

This means that both parties need to put the effort in to nourish and keep it alive.

But if one person isn’t doing that, or has a sudden lack of interest, this could be a cheating red flag.

April warns: “Some couples can experience an extended honeymoon period, which could go on from months to a year, but ending with disastrous consequences.

“A sudden loss of common interests, more heated arguments, or losing those ‘butterflies’ in your stomach that you once had can be big indicators of such.

“And don’t think your partner isn’t at that point either.

“This is where communication is most important, if your partner seems less enthusiastic about spending time with you, it may suggest they are feeling disconnected or considering exploring other relationships.

“So if you notice a significant change in yours and your partner’s feelings toward each other but still want it to make things work, it’s time to address it openly and honestly.”

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