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Drivers risk $500 fines and jail time under new ‘automated ticketing’ law – you must obey 25-foot rule or face penalty

DRIVERS have been warned they could be at risk of a $500 fine or even jail time under new “automated ticketing” laws currently up for debate.

Lawmakers are considering imposing harsh penalties on motorists in an effort to double down on pedestrian safety.


Drivers have been warned they could face jail time if they break a strict new traffic law[/caption]


Officials in New Jersey are cracking down on motorists passing school buses when they stop on the road[/caption]

A bill working its way through the New Jersey General Assembly would tighten the rules on passing school buses as they slow down or stop along their routes.

The proposal would see number plate recognition cameras installed on the buses to catch drivers in the act.

Legislators say the push has been prompted by several instances of motorists blowing past the stop signs attached to the buses as children were boarding or exiting the vehicle.

Anyone spotted doing so by the new cameras would be automatically issued a $250 for a first offence and $500 thereafter.

The bill would also remove the possibility of up to 15 days in jail for a first offence, but keep it for all subsequent violations.

The automated system would also not lead to any points being added to the offending drivers’ insurance in contrast to the current manual enforcement.

Assemblyman Sterling Stanley (D-Middlesex) said: “This bill is very important to the safety of our children.

“We’ve seen so many numerous instances back and forth over the years of accidents happening because of irrational drivers just blowing past a stop sign when children are getting on the bus.”

However, the proposal does not enjoy universal support, with Sen. Declan O’Scanlon (R-Monmouth) commenting: “We’ve all been in that dilemma zone when you’re right near a bus as it’s stopping.

“You proceed with caution.

“That’s perfectly reasonable, and if you’re passing a school bus in a situation like that where now you wouldn’t get a ticket because it’s reasonable, you would get a ticket under this system.”

While officials might take account of such a scenario on a case-by-case basis the best way to avoid a fine would be to follow the letter of the law.

For traffic on the same side of the road as the bus, that means stopping at least 25ft away while children get on and off.

Those travelling in the opposite direction can pass by legally, but are required to slow to 10mph until the bus pulls away.

It comes after a homeowner in Ohio was left fuming when he was hit with a $50 fine for parking outside his own property.

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